Friday, September 22, 2006

update on the self cling problem on the GERBER FX

After I tested the new self cling, it seemed to work much more efficiently - email today from Spandex

Hi Tom

We have now been able to confirm that the new stock of the Cling Material that you recently tested will be with us the first week of October.

We have the White Cling in stock but the clear is due the first week of October.

Please find details below.

P50824A GSP STATIC CLING CLEAR 380 x 45.72 M £1.68 Per M

P53202A GSP STATIC CLING WHITE 380 X 45.72 M £1.68 Per M

Please let me know if you need further assistance.

Kind Regards


Spandex UK

Aftermarket Territory Manager

1600 Park Avenue

Aztec West, Almondsbury

Bristol BS32 4UA

ph +44 (0)1454 616444

f +44 (0)1454 616777

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